Wednesday 9 December 2009

The fear of humans turning into machines.

I decided to dive deeper into the Phobia theme and selected a fear that interested me which was-

Mechanophobia- An exaggerated or irrational fear or dislike of machinery.

I took this and looked into the idea of the fear of humans turning into machines.
I decided to base my Zine on Phobias as there is an endless list of fears that people have. There are some strange Phobias out there, including Papaphobia- fear of the pope, Cacophobia- fear of ugliness and Stasibasiphobia- fear of standing or walking. They might sound riduculous but they are real.

Phobias vary in severity from person to person. Some people are able to manage their symptoms and face the feared object, albeit with a great sense of terror. Others are motivated by the phobia to avoid the feared situation, sometimes at great personal cost.

Phobias can be divided into three types: specific phobia, social phobia and agoraphobia. Although the symptoms of each type will vary, there are some symptoms common to all phobias. These include:

Terror: A persistent and overwhelming fear of the object or situation.
Physical Symptoms: Dizziness, shaking, palpitations.
Obsessive Thoughts: Difficulty thinking about anything other than the fear.
Desire to Flee: An intense instinct to leave the situation.
Anticipatory Anxiety: Persistent worrying about upcoming events that involve the phobic object or situation.

ZINE Project

In this 2nd project, my objective was to compose, edit, design, produce and publish a 'zine'. Above is the poster i did for the theme of Phobia.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

After Effects for the first time

I have never used Adobe After Effects, but i taught myself basic animation effects by looking at some tutorials from the net. Here is a short short preview of it.

I created some shapes in Cinema 4D as an experiment, and rendered it to a preview. I then added a basic black color to it. Im quite chuffed with this as it looks very abstract and urban.

The same shape but with ExtrudeNurbs applied.

Another experiment i did in Cinema 4D.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Here i applied different deformation elements like 'twist' and 'taper' to liven up my object. It is starting to look more unique after applying some of the techniques ive learnt.

I used the extrudeNURBS tool to make the oject 3 dimensional. At this point i can try out thicknessess and depth.

Introducing Cinema 4D

After tracing the outline of my object on Illustrator, I imported it into Cinema 4D. I can now play about with the object to create something unique in 3D. I have never used this software before so for now im trying my best.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

With the photographs i took of the iron, i cut into shapes and rearranged them to create something unique. This experiment turned out to be some sort of space ship!

I dont know what i tried to create here, but it was just developmental work in progress.

After watching Bjork's 'All is full of love' video, the robotics and the mechanisms inspired me to recreate it in my own style using my drawings. I found some Ikea instruction manuals lying around and decided to use the typography from there.
On this experiment i cut strips out of my scanned drawings and tried to make an outline for a new object by rearranging the strips. I wasnt worried too much about the inside as i used layout paper to simplify the shapes.

I started experimenting with the scans by cutting around the shapes and combining them to create a new object. Some of them i liked some of them not so much, but it was a question of what works well together.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Having a brief look at existing hybrid objects

Weird toys

Unique wire frame lamp structure

Reminds me of huge abstract chess peices

I looked around for some existing hybrid objects and came across some interesting works.

This drawing was done in pen.

Here is the 2nd drawing of the same object but from a different angle.

Pencil & Pen Drawings

This is a drawing from one angle done in pencil. I added a bit of tone to bring out the form of the iron.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Reform Project

To kick the project off, i was instructed to choose an object. The choice was mine, so i looked around the house and selected an iron. My first initial object i found was a Transformers toy, but after drawing it once i realised it would be quite time consuming considering the detail on it. I drew the iron from 3 different angles, as this gave me a brief understanding of the shape and dynamics of the appliance.